Как Заработать Биткоин Быстро 2016... Mine Clearing Robot: UGV Uran-6 MRTK-R (Unmanned Multifunctional Demining System)

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Uran-6 is a multi-functional, mine-clearing robotic system manufactured by JSC 766 UPTK for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The demining robot can be deployed in mine reconnaissance and area clearance operations to detect and remove explosive ordnance and anti-personnel / anti-tank mines. It also minimises risks caused by unexploded ordnance and other dangerous objects. The Uran-6 isn’t the flashiest robot, but it has seen operational use in Syria. While much attention has gone to the potential and implications of its sibling, the armed Uran-9 robot vehicle, combat performance for the Uran-9 suggests further refinement is needed before it can be an asset and not a liability in combat. No such hesitations appear to exist with the Uran-6s that were present in Syria as proof-of-concept and technology demonstrations. Demining in places where it has active combat operations in support of local allies is an obvious use case for robots like Uran-9, but it’s hardly the only one. Once deployed, mines are a persistent threat until actively removed or detonated accidentally, which means there’s a sort of humanitarian mission possible for robots like the Uran-6. On the scale of military acquisitions, 12 specialized robots is modest, but it suggests a capability that is seen as useful and worth expanding. Robots that can clear paths through explosive barriers will remain valuable as long as war features mines.
“Right now, this UGV is used in Syria — but Russians also made a big deal of clearing “American mines” in Laos recently, ordnance left over from the Vietnam War. While we did not see Uran-6 in that mission, its expected that as this UGV will become more widespread across Russian engineers forces, we may see it in future combat, as well as friendly missions where Russian forces will help clear unexploded ordnance.” says Samuel Bendett, a research analyst at the Center for Naval Analyses.

«Уран-6» — робототехнический комплекс разминирования, разрабатываемый и производимый нахабинским «766-м управлением производственно-технологической комплектации» (ОАО «766 УПТК»). Комплекс весит до 6 тонн и предназначен для проделывания проходов в минно-взрывных заграждениях и площадного разминирования территорий. Как стало известно в январе 2019 года, робототехнический комплекс «Уран-6» был модифицирован и получил новую разгрузочную платформу. Конструкция платформы значительно сокращает время подготовки комплекса к работе.
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